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switch! mix it.

language awareness

in austrian schools.

switch! misch einfach mit.

sprachbewusstsein in

österreichischen schulen.




Everyone has their own personal linguistic repertoire based on ­cultural and social backgrounds. We have compared languages ​​and language forms with each other and developed a linguistic playground ­together with the children of 7 Austrian schools. The shuffling and switching of playing cards represent the variety of possible combinations and assemblies of languages. This touring exhibition is a construction kit of 60 wooden boards which enables

a setup without tools. Flexible variations of presentations can be adapted

to the changing exhibition space.

Everyone has their own personal linguistic

repertoire based on ­cultural and social

backgrounds. We have compared

languages ​​and language forms with each other and developed a linguistic play-

ground ­together with the children of

7 Austrian schools. The shuffling and switching of playing cards represent the

variety of possible combinations and

assemblies of languages. This touring exhibition is a construction kit of 60

wooden boards which enables a setup without tools. Flexible variations of presentations can be adapted to the

changing exhibition space.






art workshops

concept | exhibition design | graphic design

Astrid Kury

opening space: Gallery Akademie Graz


Elke Riedlberger | Nina Bammer

Lea Titz | Wolfgang Becksteiner | Petra Sterry

Judith Laister and Robin Klengel

Nayari Castillo-Rutz and Kate Howlett-Jones 

Anker 1
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