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space for alternatives


raum für alternativen



Contemporary art can be a strategy for crisis management in society. The artist's task is to be subversive, to reflect on social and political orders. Not only activism which achieves a wide public outreach has

the abilities to provoke attention. Also with subtil projects small irritations are caused and interspaces are opened up—interspaces in more and more regulated and commercialized public areas, interspaces between creativity and order, interspaces which unsettle and motivate.

Contemporary art can be a strategy for

crisis management in society. The artist's

task is to be subversive, to reflect on social

and political orders. Not only activism which

achieves a wide public outreach has the

abilities to provoke attention. Also with

subtil projects small irritations are caused

and interspaces are opened up—inter-

spaces in more and more regulated and commercialized public areas, interspaces between creativity and order, interspaces which unsettle and motivate.







exhibition design | graphic design

Astrid Kury | Martin Behr

Ovidiu Anton | Tanja Fuchs | Sonja Gangl

Marlene Hausegger | Katrin Hornek

IEFS Kiesling & Stolberg | Robert Jelinek

Helmut Kandl | Renate Krammer

Andreas Leikauf | MeerSau | Erwin Polanc

Erwin Stefanie Posarnig | Oliver Ressler

Max Schaffer | Josef Schützenhöfer

Stadtwerkstatt Linz & Deborah Sengl

Gustav Troger | Addi Wagenknecht

Peter Weibel | Roswitha Weingrill | Anita Witek

City Museum of Graz, Austria


Nina Bammer

Anker 1
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