Who determines which urban areas are used for which purpose?
We are experiencing an increasing regulation of life in public space
and a culture of control is promoted under the guise of security.
In contrast, this exhibition presents the optimistic perspective
of the Open City which welcomes people of all backgrounds,
and where negotiating different usages of space is considered
as a crucial aspect of urbanity.
concept | project management
graphic design | exhibition design
Astrid Kury | Sibylle Dienesch
Johanna Rolshoven
Nina Bammer
Who determines which urban areas
are used for which purpose? We are
experiencing an increasing regulation
of life in public space and a culture of
control is promoted under the guise
of security. In contrast, this exhibition
presents the optimistic perspective
of the Open City which welcomes
people of all backgrounds, and
where negotiating different usages
of space is considered as a crucial
aspect of urbanity.